
Dahlia auto-registers your guild or server to the database as soon as she joins.

Please make sure that she has sufficient permissions for the following channels if you would like to use more features so she can send messages accordingly.

  • Audit logs (for reporting changes within the server)

  • Captcha channel (for Captcha verification)

  • Twitter (for Twitter raids)

  • Special shop

  • Auction house

  • Brawl

Required permissions per channel:

  • View channel

  • Manage webhooks

  • Send messages

  • Embed links

  • Attach files

  • Add reactions

  • Use external emojis

  • Manage messages

  • Read message history

  • Use application commands

This guide assumes that you're a server owner or administrator of a Discord server as we will skip the part on how to add a Discord bot to your server.

Dahlia will ask for the following permissions before authorizing:

  • Manage Roles

  • Manage Channels

  • Kick Members

  • Ban Members

  • Create Invite

  • View Audit Log

  • View Channels

  • Read Messages

  • Send Messages

  • Manage Messages

  • Embed Links

  • Attach Files

  • Read Message History

  • Use External Emojis

  • Use External Stickers

  • Use Application Commands

Steps to set up the bot

  1. (Optional) Confirm the server is registered - /setup register: By default, the server gets added to the database as soon as the bot joins.

  2. Assign a channel for audit logs - /setup logs <channel_name>: This is helpful for checking which messages were deleted, roles updated, and people joining and leaving the server. It also generates a log file in the event that the server gets compromised for investigation.

  3. Setup CAPTCHA for verifying users - /setup captcha <channel_name> <role_name>: It saves the channel and role info assigned (and can be overwritten by running the command again) in the database to execute the server rules.

  4. Set server rules - /setup rules: This will show a pop-up where you can enter your server introduction, rules, and closing. There's a character limit for text as indicated on the pop-up. You can add emojis or follow formatting used on Discord (e.g., TEXT for bold, TEXT for italic, etc.).

  5. Deploy CAPTCHA - /setup deploy: This will attempt to send a message to the CAPTCHA channel you set. Please make sure the channel is accessible to everyone, including Dahlia, and that they can send messages to it. When people click the "Verify" button, the bot sends them an ephemeral message with the CAPTCHA image visible only to them. They will need to give their CAPTCHA answer by sending it to the channel to compare. Whether it's valid or not, she will delete the user's message, including the CAPTCHA image, to avoid clutter in the channel.

  6. (Optional) Assign factions - /setup factions <margaretha_role> <cerberon_role>: Assign factions for the Margaretha and Cerberon "sub-guild" per community server. Users with no factions will be assigned as "Wanderer".

  7. (Optional) Login to the server's Twitter account - /setup twitter: If you want to cross-post from Discord to Twitter in order to promote your Discord server, this one is for you. Only the server owner can set this up compared to other /setup commands that can be run by admins. The token gets saved to the database, so even moderators with proper privileges can tweet on your behalf.

  8. Create a whitelist shop - /setup shop <channel_name>: This is for those who want to have their own whitelist shop for holders in exchange for tokens. Available for Enterprise accounts only.

If you no longer want to use Dahlia's moderation tools, you can simply run /setup disable. This resets all your information from the database.

Dahlia does NOT store any personal information from Discord and Twitter users. The access and refresh tokens for Twitter are used only for retweeting and liking tweets needed for raids. As such, they are hashed in the database so no one could get hold of the logins.

The /setup twitter command allows only the server owner (the person who set up the server) to log in as the server's Twitter account from Discord. The tokens then get stored in the server settings to ensure that the server's Twitter account is secure and that there are no conflicts or confusion regarding who has access to it.

Moreover, no more than one Discord user can login to one Twitter account. These restrictions were placed in the event a server was compromised and the server's Twitter account will not be included. Twitter logins are tracked from when they were created on the table and when they were updated for data integrity and security purposes.

It's also important to note that since users need only register themselves once, they can join raids on any server that has the Megura bot.

Margaretha and Cerberon are placeholder faction names to represent each "sub-guild" per community server. That being said, you can assign your own role name. They are also optional if you do not want to participate on factions or the game itself. Users with no factions will be assigned as "Wanderer".

In rankings, this will show which "faction" has more active members per community.

This guide is cross-posted from GitHub: https://github.com/xkyanari/megura-js/blob/main/docs/setup.md

Last updated