Pronounced as / yü-rä / or / yoo-ra /

IURA will be the token that will be used as the main currency in the game as well as the global market. It's a deflationary in-game token that can be withdrawn (Enterprise and Megura only) or be able to join in giveaways and raffles. Players who stake their tokens will yield IURA depending on the Discord server they joined. It can also be exchanged for buying traits, aesthetics, addons, upgrades, NFTs we've partnered with, minting and airdrops.

Megura's role for managing the economy:

  • Monitor the supply and demand of the items.

  • Implement regulations to maintain balance in the market.

  • Introduce events and tasks that would help all players at the most efficient way.

Two (2) events of staking:

  • Token staking across all subscriptions with varying APY rate

  • NFT staking (Enterprise and Megura versions)

Disclaimer: While $IURA has unlimited supply, we have no way in control of the price of the token outside the game. We leave this to the players wanting to sell and buy their tokens from their NEAR wallets. The team does not gain anything from those transactions. The price may or may not have full effect from the status of the game.

The project does not rely on hype and royalties as the team earns solely from partnerships, collaborations and subscriptions. The game was created for enjoyment while keeping players engaged within their respective communities. One of our main goals is to entice more people to also buy $NEAR as subscriptions will be paid with this currency.

Supported blockchains (tentative):

  • Near

  • Ethereum

  • Solana

  • Polygon

  • Cardano

  • We might add more in the future.

Last updated